Welcome to NakedTomatoes

All about tomatoes, heirloom and home grown.
With a bit extra thrown in about Brugs and bread, growing and baking, and other semi-relevant thoughts. And maybe a few recipes.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Book Recommendation

Just a quick post right now.

A friend of mine just lent me an excellent book on gardening with kids.

Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots (Activities To Do in the Garden) by Sharon Lovejoy.

It's a really cute little book, with some really good info and ideas, for beginners and seasoned gardeners alike. I quickly read through it this morning, and I'm going to put it on my list for books to look for. I think my kids will get a kick out of some of the ideas, especially the 'Three Sisters', an Iroquois traditional planting combination, which consists of planting blocks of corn, beans and squash together. Lots of other cute little ideas, and the author has a good grasp on what works with kids to get and keep their attention, which most of us parents know can be difficult.

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