Welcome to NakedTomatoes

All about tomatoes, heirloom and home grown.
With a bit extra thrown in about Brugs and bread, growing and baking, and other semi-relevant thoughts. And maybe a few recipes.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Brief Intermission for Bread

Haven't baked anything in a while, but today I realized we were low on bread, I had time, and didn't want to run to the grocery store. And everyone, including my lil' miss I don't like crust, likes this bread. So here it is, in all it's glory. I only ate three slices, fresh out of the oven. Two slathered with butter, the third with a tangy old cheddar. Yum!

It's your standard recipe, very simple, flour, water, yeast and salt, so I won't post it. Besides, I am a by-your-eye kind of baker too, so I don't really measure to close. You can just tell by the feel of the dough, when it's ready for the next stage.

1 comment:

jason said...

Wow that looks good!